Sunday, September 29, 2013

Music a form of Art?

           “Art is not what you see, but what you make others see” –Edgar Degas

When defining the term art it’s the “expression or application of human creative skill and imagination”. We tend to typically consider paintings, sculptures, drawings, ceramics and photography as a visual form of art. On that note can we see music being art?  While reading the NY Times earlier I came into contact with an article called “Music with a message about power”.   

 Musical Artist: Stevie Wonder performed at the Global Citizen Festival Central Park on 
September 28. 2013.

In this article it describes how the message given was about poverty with such objectives such as testimonials and rapid change in the world. When a nice harmony, vocals and a band  playing, with hand clapping and toe tapping happens this relates to music. All of the previous factors make music ART. NY Times describes Stevie Wonder as being “hyped in a bake’s cadence by Bono of U2– he came bearing magnificent good feeling, a party starter with a conscience. Putting an airtight but adaptable band through its paces.” If ART is an expression that features human skills and imagination, this event taken place in Central Park was just that. MUSIC is ART!

“Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to the loneliness.  –Maya Angelou “ Gather Together in my Name”

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